Getting the Most Out of Your Safety Shoes

How many times have you caught yourself at work counting the minutes till you can leave? Shifting your weight between your right and left foot to try and alleviate the pain and discomfort in your feet after a long day? For years workers have believed that foot pain and discomfort is simply part of the job when in reality there are many tools available to alleviate the pain. 

Of course safety is the top priority on any job site, but it’s not just about wearing steel toes and PPE. A big part of keeping workers safe is making sure they’re wearing a comfortable pair of shoes that will not cause distractions due to discomfort and will avoid injuries caused by ill fitting shoes. 

Here are our top solutions to avoid being uncomfortable during a long work day:

Find your real shoe size:

The number one cause of pain and discomfort in feet is wearing the wrong shoe size, and unfortunately 80% of workers are wearing the wrong one. Think about it, when was the last time you had your foot measured and sized properly? 

When it comes to safety shoes most people tend to size up because they think their toes will need more space with a safety toe, however safety shoes are designed with these factors in mind. Purchasing a bigger size could create hot spots, lead to constant friction, and does not allow the technology of the shoe to align with your foot therefore making it pointless and even dangerous to wear them.

When buying a new pair of safety shoes, take the time to measure your foot and find out exactly what length and width you are working with. Your feet change constantly, they are affected by factors like weight, level of daily activity and previous injuries.

Choose the right insole:

Most safety shoes come with an average insole, these might feel comfortable for the first few days but they are not designed to give your foot the support it needs and they flatten out pretty quickly. 

If you have a flat foot you’ll need an insole that will do the work your arch normally does to keep you balanced and aligned. Maybe you have a very high arch so you need an insole that will provide extra support to avoid injuries to your arch when you put your weight on it. There’s also issues like plantar fasciitis or other foot injuries that require specific insole technology to avoid pain. 

Everyone’s foot is different and each insole provides support in different areas which is why you need to make sure you choose an insole that is designed to give your foot the support it needs.  Safety shoes typically have a removable insole, meaning you are free to customize the fit to suit your requirements.

Wear the right socks:

The importance of socks is often overlooked, but wearing the wrong socks can actually play a big role in foot discomfort. 

Safety shoes are built with thick materials that can sometimes irritate your foot, which is why there are socks designed specifically for safety shoes. These socks have extra padding to protect your feet from developing sores and blisters, some have a tighter elastic on the arch and ankle for extra support, and most include moisture wicking technology to prevent you from walking around with sweaty feet all day. 

Wearing the right socks is a form of preventative action. By taking action to prevent smaller issues like blisters and sweaty feet you save yourself the headache of dealing with foot injuries and pain months or even years later.

The best thing you can do is take the time to learn about your feet and their specific needs, then use these tools to customize your safety shoe experience and give yourself the highest level of comfort to keep you safe, productive, and happy on the job.